Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Gabriel Harvey, 1552-1631: Sonnet XIIII

BUT Vertues all, and Honours all suruiue :
And Vertues all, and Honours all inflame
Braue mindes to platfourme, and redoubted handes
To doe such deedes, and such exploites achieue,
As they, and they couragiously perform'd.
Egregious men, and memorable Knightes :
Ay memorable Knightes, whiles Sunne shall shine.
And teach industrious Worth, to shine like Sunne :
To liue in motion, and action hoat :
To eternize Entelechy diuine :
Where Plutarches Liues: where Argonautiques braue:
Where all Heroique woonderments concurr.
    Oh, Oh, and Oh a thousand thousand times,
    That thirsty Eare might heare Archangels rimes.


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